== blog.tinfoil-hat.net ==
A save home for every tinfoil-hat!

Service Update: Discontinuation Due to Frontend-Backend Incompatibility

Server Technology
Dear Visitor, I regret to inform you of some critical issues that has led to the permanent discontinuation of my services. The frontends and backends of my system are no longer compatible, creating a situation where sustaining the quality and reliability of my services is no longer feasible. The Compatibility Challenge: A substantial increase in demand and advancements in technology have resulted in a misalignment between frontends and backends. This has made it increasingly challenging to maintain a seamless and secure user experience. Read more...

Revert Brave Flatpak to Deb

Hi there, I switched to Linuxmint Debian Edition 6 (LMDE6) and thought: why install Bravebrowser via Apt-Repo, when I could use the integrated Flatpak Store. The Problem that I encounterd was, that the Brave Flatpak doesn’t seem to can access my KeepassXC via Addon because of the Flatpak restrictions. So I tried this Fix https://www.vastactive.com/posts/keepassxc-firefox-flatpak/ which didn’t seem to work for me. So I am going another route, by moving my appdata dir where the . Read more...

Proxmox Docker Workstation

Linux Server Technology
Install Linux Mint Debian Edition 6 I am assuming, that you want to use a Debian based Operating System (not Ubuntu based) and you want Proxmox, Docker and GPT4All installed on your Laptop. Here I am using Linux Mint Debian Edition 6 let’s get started: Go trough installation process Install Proxmox VE Upgrade the system and install some basic tools sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade -y sudo apt install vim git curl wget htop ssh netcat-traditional openvpn Cerate a Interface used for LXC Containers: edit /etc/network/interfaces Read more...

Local Apt Mirror

Linux Server Technology
How do make a local debian apt mirror To create a local Debian APT mirror, you can follow these general steps: Set up a server: You will need a server with sufficient storage capacity and network bandwidth to host the mirror. Install the necessary packages: Start by installing the apt-mirror package, which is available in the Debian repositories. Use the following command to install it: sudo apt-get install apt-mirror Configure the mirror: Open the apt-mirror configuration file using a text editor. Read more...

The Black and the White Wolf

Lore Stories
One evening, an old Indian was sitting around the campfire with his son. It had grown dark. The trees around them cast eerie shadows and the fire crackled and crackled as the flames licked into the sky. The Indian gazed thoughtfully into the flames. “The flame light and the darkness, are like the two wolves, that dwell in our hearts.” Questioningly, his son looked at him. After a time of silence, the Indian began to tell his son a story. Read more...

Nitter Ratelimiting & Guest_Accounts branch

Technology Linux Server
Mitigating Unauthorized Web Scraping Bot Traffic The current design of Nitter, along with its methodology for accessing the Twitter service, necessitates heightened vigilance on the part of instance operators to manage unwarranted access by web scraping bots. This guide is intended to provide operators with essential information to effectively mitigate unauthorized web scraping bot traffic. Prerequisites Before proceeding with the rate-limiting setup, ensure that you have: A functional Nitter installation located at /opt/nitter. Read more...

Rammstein Singer Till Lindemann Lizard Confirmed

Conspiracy Paranormal
Watch his eyes closly at 30:22 you should see this There are other videos out there that show the eyes, here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=GyUNmmj19-A&t=1822s https://youtu.be/eONecDS2sIo?t=121


4chan Technology /g/
Generals 4chan is full of shit, but it also provides some interesting and in useful information, here I’ll summarize the so called “Generals” /sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General SDXL v1.0 download https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0 https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-refiner-1.0 SDXL info https://rentry.org/sdg-link#sdxl Local install Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui ComfyUI (Node-based): https://rentry.org/comfyui AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu CPU: http://rentry.org/cputard Automatic1111 forks Anapnoe UX: https://github.com/anapnoe/stable-diffusion-webui-ux Vladmandic: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic Run cloud hosted instance https://rentry.org/sdg-link Try online without registration txt2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest Inpainting: https://huggingface.co/spaces/fffiloni/stable-diffusion-inpainting Read more...


Preping Blackout Doomsday
What I do for prepping I think it’s more than likely that it comes to a blackout in Germany. So I am starting to prepare for it. Here’s what I got so far, which will last some days. It’s only the beginning and I’ll post updates some time. items 40 Liter water – In 10 Liter Canisters Water filter – Can make river water drinkable. You can screw it on a standard bottle Micropur Forte Read more...

Ai Snoop Dogg

Ai Music Art
Uberduck Snoop Dogg - Alpaka Text Input: write a hip-hop song about hackers, the illuminati, the new world order, freedom of speech and Aliens Verse 1: Hacking is our passion, we’ll take it to extremes Gonna use this skillz for good not evil designs Ripping through firewalls like they ain’t shit Spreadin the truth and spreadin the bit Takin down corrupt systems in a single night No one can stop us, cause we always fight right. Read more...
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