# If you come from bash you might have to change your $PATH. export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH # Path to your oh-my-zsh installation. export ZSH="/home/anon/.oh-my-zsh" export PATH=/home/anon/.nimble/bin:$PATH export PATH=/home/anon/.cargo/bin:$PATH source "$HOME/.cargo/env" # export PATH=/home/anon/.cargo/bin:$PATH # Set name of the theme to load --- if set to "random", it will # load a random theme each time oh-my-zsh is loaded, in which case, # to know which specific one was loaded, run: echo $RANDOM_THEME # See https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/wiki/Themes ZSH_THEME="fino-time" export LANG="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_MESSAGES="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_MONETARY="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" # Set list of themes to pick from when loading at random # Setting this variable when ZSH_THEME=random will cause zsh to load # a theme from this variable instead of looking in $ZSH/themes/ # If set to an empty array, this variable will have no effect. # ZSH_THEME_RANDOM_CANDIDATES=( "robbyrussell" "agnoster" ) # Uncomment the following line to use case-sensitive completion. # CASE_SENSITIVE="true" # Uncomment the following line to use hyphen-insensitive completion. # Case-sensitive completion must be off. _ and - will be interchangeable. # HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE="true" # Uncomment the following line to disable bi-weekly auto-update checks. # DISABLE_AUTO_UPDATE="true" # Uncomment the following line to automatically update without prompting. # DISABLE_UPDATE_PROMPT="true" # Uncomment the following line to change how often to auto-update (in days). # export UPDATE_ZSH_DAYS=13 # Uncomment the following line if pasting URLs and other text is messed up. # DISABLE_MAGIC_FUNCTIONS="true" # Uncomment the following line to disable colors in ls. # DISABLE_LS_COLORS="true" # Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title. # DISABLE_AUTO_TITLE="true" # Uncomment the following line to enable command auto-correction. # ENABLE_CORRECTION="true" # Uncomment the following line to display red dots whilst waiting for completion. # Caution: this setting can cause issues with multiline prompts (zsh 5.7.1 and newer seem to work) # See https://github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/issues/5765 # COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS="true" # Uncomment the following line if you want to disable marking untracked files # under VCS as dirty. This makes repository status check for large repositories # much, much faster. # DISABLE_UNTRACKED_FILES_DIRTY="true" # Uncomment the following line if you want to change the command execution time # stamp shown in the history command output. # You can set one of the optional three formats: # "mm/dd/yyyy"|"dd.mm.yyyy"|"yyyy-mm-dd" # or set a custom format using the strftime function format specifications, # see 'man strftime' for details. # HIST_STAMPS="mm/dd/yyyy" # Would you like to use another custom folder than $ZSH/custom? # ZSH_CUSTOM=/path/to/new-custom-folder # Which plugins would you like to load? # Standard plugins can be found in $ZSH/plugins/ # Custom plugins may be added to $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/ # Example format: plugins=(rails git textmate ruby lighthouse) # Add wisely, as too many plugins slow down shell startup. plugins=(git fzf) source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh # User configuration # export MANPATH="/usr/local/man:$MANPATH" # You may need to manually set your language environment # export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # Preferred editor for local and remote sessions # if [[ -n $SSH_CONNECTION ]]; then # export EDITOR='vim' # else # export EDITOR='mvim' # fi # Compilation flags # export ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" # Set personal aliases, overriding those provided by oh-my-zsh libs, # plugins, and themes. Aliases can be placed here, though oh-my-zsh # users are encouraged to define aliases within the ZSH_CUSTOM folder. # For a full list of active aliases, run `alias`. # # Example aliases # alias zshconfig="mate ~/.zshrc" # alias ohmyzsh="mate ~/.oh-my-zsh" [ -f ~/.fzf.zsh ] && source ~/.fzf.zsh # ALIASES alias office="cd ~ && clear && offlineimap && mu index --maildir ~/Mail" alias rss="newsboat" alias audio-ext="sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=4" alias audio-int="sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=0" alias ll="ls -lah" alias nasm="sudo sshfs -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o allow_other root@ /media/anon/nas " alias corona="curl https://corona-stats.online" alias corona-germany="curl https://corona-stats.online/germany" alias torrent="aria2c --follow-torrent=mem --seed-time=0 -j 10" alias fetch="neofetch --backend w3m --source ~/Bilder/tiger.png" alias calendar="khal interactive" alias bin=" | nc termbin.com 9999" alias joplin="~/.npm-global/bin/joplin" alias chrome="chrome --enable-features=WebUIDarkMode --force-dark-mode" alias anonradio="torsocks mpv http://anonradio.net:8000/anonradio" alias technobase="mpv http://listen.technobase.fm/tunein-mp3" alias backup-local="~/git/rsync-time-backup/rsync_tmbackup.sh ~/ root@" alias temps="watch -n 2 sensors" alias backup-ext="~/Software/git/rsync-time-backup/rsync_tmbackup.sh ~/ anon@goliath:/home/anon/ ~/Software/git/rsync-time-backup/exclude.txt" alias cal="ncal -w3C" alias nanochan="torsocks w3m -o auto_image=FALSE https://nanochanqzaytwlydykbg5nxkgyjxk3zsrctxuoxdmbx5jbh2ydyprid.onion/" alias didw="torsocks w3m -o auto_image=FALSE http://germanyruvvy2tcw.onion" alias download-world="curl -s http://artscene.textfiles\.com/vt100/globe.vt | pv -L9600 -q" alias darknet="torsocks w3m -o auto_image=FALSE .w3m/bookmark.html" alias reechat="ssh weechat@vps -t screen -rd weechat" alias cast-goliath="sudo openvpn /home/anon/Dokumente/goliath.ovpn" alias cast-balrock="sudo openvpn /home/anon/Dokumente/balrock.ovpn" alias cast-vps="sudo openvpn /home/anon/Dokumente/vps.ovpn" alias xfix="~/Software/scripts/xfix.sh" alias goaccess="ssh goliath -t goaccess -c /var/log/nginx/access.log" alias config="git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME" alias berliner-rundfunk-91-4="mpv http://stream.berliner-rundfunk.de/brf/mp3-128/internetradio" alias drop="~/Downloads/Software/bin/plik" alias p0wn.sh="./git/rice/hack.exe" alias yt-audio="yt-dlp -f 'ba' -x --audio-format mp3 " alias yt-video "yt-dlp -f 'ba' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ -o '%(id)s.%(ext)s'" alias bg="feh -z ~/ssd/Seafile/dat/dont\ click/Wallpapers/" alias shot="scrot -q 60 -s ~/$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M")".jpg alias dotup="dotfiles-remote-autoupdate && dotfiles-autoupdate" alias poweroff="sudo poweroff" # Functions record-small-screen() { filename="cast-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M")-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1366x768 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -threads 0 -acodec pcm_s16le -y ~/$filename.mkv } record-big-screen(){ filename="cast-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M")-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" ffmpeg -f alsa -ac 2 -f x11grab -r 25 -s 1920x1080 -i :0.0 -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast -crf 0 -threads 0 -acodec pcm_s16le -y ~/$filename.mkv } wetter() { curl wttr.in/$1; } ytdl() { torsocks mpv ytdl://$@ } news() { NNTPSERVER='nntp.aioe.org' && export NNTPSERVER slrn -f ~/.jnewsrc --create } # Download Plemora emojis; requires curl and jq pleroma-emoji-dl() { server=$1 curl $server/api/v1/custom_emojis | jq -r 'map(.url)|join("\n")|@text' | xargs wget --random-wait --wait=1 } # NOTES FILE(S) notes() { VAR=$1 if [ -z $VAR ]; then /usr/local/bin/vim sftp://chrissly@goliath.tinfoil-hat.net/notes/default.txt elif [ "$VAR" == "-h" ]; then printf "Usage: notes [-l] [file]\n"; printf " notes Open/Create \"default.txt\" file\n" printf " notes Open/Create \".txt\" file\n" printf " notes -l Show available note files\n" printf " notes -h Show this help\n" elif [ "$VAR" == "-l" ]; then printf "List of notes:\n" ssh chrissly@sina.tinfoil-hat.net "ls -1 \$HOME/notes/*.txt | sed 's,.*/\(.*\)\.txt, - \1,g'" else vim sftp://chrissly@goliath.tinfoil-hat.net/notes/$1.txt fi } # Dotfiles - Autocommit function dotfiles-autoupdate { config add -u && \ config commit -m "Update $(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") $(uname -s)/$(uname -m)" && \ config push } # Vars GPG_TTY=$(tty) NNTPSERVER='news.tilde.club' TERMINAL='/usr/local/bin/urxvt' # Exports export GPG_TTY export LC_ALL=de_DE.UTF-8 export NNTPSERVER export PATH=$HOME/.bin:$PATH export EDITOR=vim source ~/.zsh/zsh-autosuggestions/zsh-autosuggestions.zsh alias tb="nc bin.tinfoil-hat.net 9999"