:: Tinfoil-hat.net - A secure home for every tinfoil-hat

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Nickname: tinfoil-hat

Age: 32
Gender: Apache Combat Helicopter
Profession: Junior Linux Admin

Location: Brandenburg / Germany


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The winter seems never ending and the pack was dying of hunger. The leader of the pack, the oldest of them all was out infront comforting the young wolves telling them that spring was coming but at a certain point, one young wolf decides to stop. He says he has enough of cold and hunger and he sais he is going to live among men, because the important thing is to stay alive. The young wolf let's himself be caught. And with the passing of time he forget he was ever a wolf. One day may years later as he is out hunting with his master, he ran to collect the prey. But he realizes the prey is the old leader of the pack. He fall silent with shame. But the old wolf speaks and sais to him: I die happy, because I lived my life as a wolf. You on the other hand belong to neither to the world of wolfs, nor to the world of men. Hunger comes and goes. But dignity once lost never returns.

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