455 lines
18 KiB
455 lines
18 KiB
-- Author: Zineddine SAIBI
-- Software: Namoudaj Conky
-- Type: Template for Conky
-- Version: 0.4
-- License: GPL-3.0
-- Repository: https://www.github.com/SZinedine/namoudaj-conky
function image(x, y, file)
if file == nil then return end
local show = imlib_load_image(file)
if show == nil then return end
imlib_render_image_on_drawable(x, y)
show = nil
function line(startx, starty, endx, endy, thick, color, alpha)
cairo_set_line_width (cr, thick)
cairo_set_line_cap (cr, CAIRO_LINE_CAP_BUTT)
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, color_convert(color, alpha))
cairo_move_to (cr, startx, starty)
cairo_line_to (cr, endx, endy)
cairo_stroke (cr)
function ring_clockwise(x, y, radius, thickness, angle_begin, angle_end, value_str, max_value, fg_color)
local value = tonumber(value_str)
if value > max_value then value = max_value end
angle_begin = angle_begin * (2 * math.pi / 360) - (math.pi / 2)
angle_end = angle_end * (2 * math.pi / 360) - (math.pi / 2)
local progress = (value / max_value) * (angle_end - angle_begin)
cairo_set_line_width (cr, thickness)
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, color_convert(colors.bg, colors.bg_alpha))
cairo_arc (cr, x, y, radius, angle_begin, angle_end)
cairo_stroke (cr)
cairo_set_line_width (cr, thickness)
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, color_convert(fg_color, colors.fg_alpha))
cairo_arc(cr, x, y, radius, angle_begin, angle_begin + progress)
cairo_stroke (cr)
function ring_anticlockwise(x, y, radius, thickness, angle_begin, angle_end, value_str, max_value, fg_color)
local value = tonumber(value_str)
if value > max_value then value = max_value end
angle_begin = angle_begin * (2 * math.pi / 360) - (math.pi / 2)
angle_end = angle_end * (2 * math.pi / 360) - (math.pi / 2)
local progress = (value / max_value) * (angle_end - angle_begin)
cairo_set_line_width (cr, thickness)
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, color_convert(colors.bg, colors.bg_alpha))
cairo_arc_negative (cr, x, y, radius, angle_begin, angle_end)
cairo_stroke (cr)
cairo_set_line_width (cr, thickness)
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, color_convert(fg_color, colors.fg_alpha))
cairo_arc_negative (cr, x, y, radius, angle_begin, angle_begin + progress)
cairo_stroke (cr)
function rectangle_leftright(x, y, len, thick, value_str, max_value, color)
local value = tonumber(value_str)
if value > max_value then value = max_value end
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, color_convert(colors.bg, colors.bg_alpha))
cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, len, thick)
local progress = (len / max_value) * value
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, color_convert(color, colors.fg_alpha))
cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, progress, thick)
function rectangle_rightleft(x, y, len, thick, value_str, max_value, color)
rectangle_leftright(x, y, -len, thick, value_str, max_value, color)
function rectangle_bottomup(x, y, len, thick, value_str, max_value, color)
local value = tonumber(value_str)
if value > max_value then value = max_value end
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, color_convert(colors.bg, colors.bg_alpha))
cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, thick, -len)
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr, color_convert(color, colors.fg_alpha))
local progress = (len / max_value) * value
cairo_rectangle(cr, x, y, thick, -progress)
function rectangle_upbottom(x, y, len, thick, value_str, max_value, color)
rectangle_bottomup(x, y, -len, thick, value_str, max_value, color)
function write(x, y, text, font_size, color)
_write_(x, y, text, main_font, font_size, color, 1, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
function write_bold(x, y, text, font_size, color)
-- convinience function to write in bold font
_write_(x, y, text, main_font, font_size, color, 1, CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
function _write_(x, y, text, font_name, font_size, color, alpha, font_slant, font_face)
cairo_select_font_face (cr, font_name, font_slant, font_face);
cairo_set_font_size (cr, font_size)
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr, color_convert(color, alpha))
cairo_move_to (cr, x, y)
cairo_show_text (cr, text)
cairo_stroke (cr)
-- return a process according to its CPU consumption
function getProcessN(n)
local name = parse("top name " .. n)
local value = parse("top cpu " .. n)
return name .. value .. "%"
-- return a process according to its memory consumption
function getMemoryN(n)
local name = parse("top_mem name " .. n)
local value = parse("top_mem mem_res " .. n)
return name .. value
function write_list_proccesses_cpu(x, y, interval, nb_todisplay, font_size, color)
local array = {}
for i = 1, nb_todisplay do
table.insert(array, getProcessN(i))
write_line_by_line(x, y, interval, array, color, font_size, false)
-- convenience function to write a list of running processes
function write_list_proccesses_mem(x, y, interval, nb_todisplay, font_size, color)
local array = {}
for i = 1, nb_todisplay do
table.insert(array, getMemoryN(i))
write_line_by_line(x, y, interval, array, color, font_size, false)
-- write text in multiple lines.
-- the text is contained in `content_array` where each entry is a line separated with `interval`
function write_line_by_line(x, y, interval, content_array, color, font_size, bold)
if bold == nil then bold = false end
local yy = y
for i in pairs(content_array) do
if bold then write_bold(x, yy, content_array[i], font_size, color)
else write(x, yy, content_array[i], font_size, color)
yy = yy + interval
-- convinience function
function parse(str)
return conky_parse(string.format("${%s}", str))
-- return a color according to the provided value (threshold)
-- the colors are defined in "settings.lua"
function color_frompercent(percent)
local perc = tonumber(percent)
if perc > threshold_critical then return colors.critic
elseif perc > threshold_warning then return colors.warn
else return colors.fg
-- used for battery rate or other decreasing values
-- for example, change the color when the battery is low
function color_frompercent_reverse(percent)
local perc = tonumber(percent)
if perc < battery_threshold_critical then return colors.critic
elseif perc < battery_threshold_warning then return colors.warn
else return colors.fg
function color_convert(colour, alpha)
-- input hexadecimal color code, returns its corresponding RGB+Alpha representation
return ((colour / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((colour / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (colour % 0x100) / 255., alpha
-- Variable definitions to avoir repeating the same string concatenations
local _download_speed = "downspeed " .. net_interface
local _download_speed_kb = "downspeedf " .. net_interface
local _download_total = "totaldown " .. net_interface
local _upload_speed = "upspeed " .. net_interface
local _upload_speed_kb = "upspeedf " .. net_interface
local _upload_total = "totalup " .. net_interface
local _ssid = "wireless_essid " .. net_interface
local _wifi_signal = "wireless_link_qual_perc " .. net_interface
local _local_ip = "addr " .. net_interface
-- functions to fetch some important system info
-- for other variables, see: <http://conky.sourceforge.net/variables.html>
function updates() return parse("updates") end
function kernel() return parse("kernel") end -- ex: 5.10.32-1-lts
function system_name() return parse("sysname") end -- ex: Linux
function arch() return parse("machine") end -- ex: x86_64
function desktops() return parse("desktop_number") end -- total number of desktops
function desktop() return parse("desktop") end -- ex: 3 (current desktop)
function desktop_name() return parse("desktop_name") end -- ex: Desktop 3
function username() return parse("user_names") end
function running_threads() return parse("running_threads") end
function memory() return parse("mem") end
function memory_percent() return parse("memperc") end
function memory_max() return parse("memmax") end
function memory_cached() return parse("cached") end
function memory_buffers() return parse("buffers") end
function swap() return parse("swap") end
function swap_max() return parse("swapmax") end
function swap_percent() return parse("swapperc") end
function download_speed() return parse(_download_speed) end -- ex: 930B or 3kb
function download_speed_kb() return parse(_download_speed_kb) end -- ex: 0.9 or 3.0
function download_total() return parse(_download_total) end
function upload_speed() return parse(_upload_speed) end -- ex: 930B or 3kb
function upload_speed_kb() return parse(_upload_speed_kb) end -- ex: 0.9 or 3.0
function upload_total() return parse(_upload_total) end
function ssid() return parse(_ssid) end
function wifi_signal() return parse(_wifi_signal) end -- value in %
function local_ip() return parse(_local_ip) end
function uptime() return parse("uptime") end -- ex: 2d 13h 40m
function uptime_short() return parse("uptime_short") end -- ex: 2d 13h
function time_hrmin() return parse("time %R") end -- ex: 15:40
function time_hrminsec() return parse("time %T") end -- ex: 15:30:25
function time_hr12minsec() return parse("time %R") end -- ex: 03:30:25 PM
function time_hour24() return parse("time %H") end -- ex: 15
function time_hour12() return parse("time %I") end -- ex: 3
function time_minute() return parse("time %M") end -- ex: 30
function time_second() return parse("time %S") end -- ex: 25
function time_am_pm_upper() return parse("time %p") end -- ex: PM
function time_am_pm_lower() return parse("time %P") end -- ex: pm
function time_day() return parse("time %A") end -- ex: saturday
function time_day_short() return parse("time %a") end -- ex: sat
function time_day_number() return parse("time %d") end -- ex: 1
function time_month() return parse("time %H") end -- ex: january
function time_month_short() return parse("time %h") end -- ex: jan
function time_month_number() return parse("time %m") end -- ex: 1
function time_year() return parse("time %Y") end -- ex: 2021
function time_year_short() return parse("time %y") end -- ex: 21
function utime() return parse("utime") end -- UCT time -- ex: 2021-05-29 17:31:01
function diskio(device) return parse("diskio " .. device) end -- device ex: /dev/sda
function diskio_read(device) return parse("diskio_read " .. device) end
function diskio_write(device) return parse("diskio_write " .. device) end
function cpu_temperature() return parse("acpitemp") end -- temperature in C°
function cpu_temperature_sensors() -- this function uses the command 'sensors' to obtain the cpu temperature
local file = io.popen("sensors | awk '/CPU: / {printf substr($2,2,2)}' 2> /dev/null")
if not file then
io.stderr:write("Error while executing a command containing 'sensors' and 'awk'. Defaulting to cpu_temperature()\n")
return cpu_temperature()
local result = file:read("*a")
if tonumber(result) == nil then
io.stderr:write("Error. Invalid result from 'sensors'. Defaulting to cpu_temperature()\n")
return cpu_temperature()
return result
function cpu_percent(n)
if n == nil or n == 0 or n == "" then return parse("cpu") end
if n > 0 and n <= 32 then return parse("cpu cpu" .. n)
else return nil end
function fs_used(fs)
if fs == nil then return nil
else return parse("fs_used " .. fs)
function fs_used_perc(fs)
if fs == nil then return nil
else return parse("fs_used_perc " .. fs)
function fs_size(fs)
if fs == nil then return nil
else return parse("fs_size " .. fs)
function fs_free_perc(fs)
if fs == nil then return nil
else return parse("fs_free_perc " .. fs)
function fs_free(fs)
if fs == nil then return nil
else return parse("fs_free " .. fs)
public_ip = nil -- variable that will hold the IP adress
function get_public_ip() return public_ip end
function set_public_ip(ip)
if not ip then public_ip = "No Address"
else public_ip = tostring(ip)
Don't call this function every seconde because it is slow and public IP doesn't change much anyway.
Warning: if your internet connection is disfunctioning, this function may prevent the whole conky from launching
function update_public_ip()
if not use_public_ip then
print("Warning: Turn on the variable use_public_ip (set it to true) in settings.lua before calling the function update_public_ip()")
public_ip = nil
-- fetch IP from the internet. other websites: "ifconfig.me/ip", "ident.me", "api.ipify.org"
local file = io.popen("curl -s http://ipinfo.io/ip")
if not file then
return nil
local output = file:read("*a")
if output == nil or output == "" or string.len(output) > 15 then
return nil
return output
The following will define multiple variables and functions according to the machine where it is ran
the default value is a nil, so it is necessary to check in case you want to use the second battery.
has_battery = nil -- boolean
has_second_battery = nil -- boolean
battery1_percent = nil -- function for the first battery. nil if it doesn't exist
battery2_percent = nil -- function for the second battery if it exists. nil if it doesn't
battery_percent = nil -- function that returns the value of the battery. adapts to single or double batteries. nil if no battery
battery1_index = nil -- index of the first battery. nil if there is no battery. This is the number that follows 'BAT' ex: 'BAT0'
battery2_index = nil -- index of the second battery. nil if there is no battery or no second battery
discharging_battery = function() return false end -- check if the battery is discharging or not
initialized_battery = false -- check if the function `init_battery()` has already been called
local called_init_battery_once = false -- sometimes, conky doesn't detect the battery the first time we require it.
check if there is a battery or multiple batteries
define the functions that return battery values
define discharging_battery() according to the number of batteries
NOTE: before calling this function, first check if the variable `initialized_battery` is false.
function init_battery()
if not called_init_battery_once then
called_init_battery_once = true
initialized_battery = true
local bat_indexes = {}
local size = 0 -- how many batteries found
-- determine how many batteries by calling them (even if it will print out error messages)
local bt0 = parse("battery_percent BAT0")
local bt1 = parse("battery_percent BAT1")
local bt2 = parse("battery_percent BAT2")
if bt0 ~= nil and bt0 ~= "0" then
table.insert(bat_indexes, 0)
size = size + 1
if bt1 ~= nil and bt1 ~= "0" then
table.insert(bat_indexes, 1)
size = size + 1
if bt2 ~= nil and bt2 ~= "0" then
table.insert(bat_indexes, 2)
size = size + 1
if size == 0 then
has_battery = false
has_second_battery = false
elseif size >= 1 then
has_battery = true
battery1_index = bat_indexes[1]
battery1_percent = function () return parse("battery_percent BAT" .. bat_indexes[1]) end
if size == 1 then
battery_percent = function() return tonumber(battery1_percent()) end
discharging_battery = function() return string.match(parse("battery BAT" .. battery1_index), "discharging") end
if size >= 2 then
has_second_battery = true
battery2_index = bat_indexes[2]
battery2_percent = function()
return parse("battery_percent BAT" .. bat_indexes[2])
battery_percent = function()
local b0 = tonumber(battery1_percent())
local b1 = tonumber(battery2_percent())
return math.floor((b0 + b1)/2)
discharging_battery = function()
if string.match(parse("battery BAT" .. battery1_index), "discharging") then return true end
if string.match(parse("battery BAT" .. battery2_index), "discharging") then return true end
return false