path: root/start.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'start.lua')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/start.lua b/start.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7a1e3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/start.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+-- Author: Zineddine SAIBI
+-- Software: Auzia Conky
+-- Type: Conky Theme
+-- Version: 0.4
+-- License: GPL-3.0
+-- repository: https://www.github.com/SZinedine/auzia-conky
+local S = require("rc/gauge")
+local to_draw_titles = true
+-- set the appropriate cpu object according to the chosen value for `cpu_cores`
+local ncores = nil
+if cpu_cores == 0 then ncores = S.cpu.cores._0cores
+elseif cpu_cores == 2 then ncores = S.cpu.cores._2cores
+elseif cpu_cores == 4 then ncores = S.cpu.cores._4cores
+elseif cpu_cores == 6 then ncores = S.cpu.cores._6cores
+elseif cpu_cores == 8 then ncores = S.cpu.cores._8cores
+elseif cpu_cores == 10 then ncores = S.cpu.cores._10cores
+elseif cpu_cores == 12 then ncores = S.cpu.cores._12cores
+ print("ERROR. the provided value of cpu_cores is not valid. Defaulting to 4 cores")
+ ncores = S.cpu.cores._4cores
+function start()
+ draw_cpu()
+ draw_memory()
+ draw_clock()
+ draw_disks()
+ draw_battery()
+ draw_titles()
+ draw_net()
+function draw_single_cpu_core(coreN)
+ local val = nil
+ if coreN.number >= 0 then val = cpu_percent(coreN.number)
+ else val = cpu_temperature_sensors() -- shoul
+ end
+ ring_anticlockwise(S.cpu.x, S.cpu.y, coreN.radius, coreN.thickness, coreN.begin_angle, coreN.end_angle, val, coreN.max_value, color_frompercent(tonumber(val)))
+ if coreN.text ~= nil then
+ write(coreN.text.x, coreN.text.y, val .. coreN.text.post_particle, 12, colors.text)
+ end
+function draw_cpu()
+ for i in pairs(ncores) do
+ draw_single_cpu_core(ncores[i])
+ end
+ write_list_proccesses_cpu(160, 147, 20, 4, 12, colors.text)
+function draw_memory()
+ local memperc = memory_percent()
+ local swpperc = swap_percent()
+ local usedmem = string.format("Usage: %s / %s (%s%s)", memory(), memory_max(), memperc, "%")
+ ring_clockwise(S.mem.x, S.mem.y, S.mem.radius, 18, 0, 320, memperc, 100, color_frompercent(tonumber(memperc)))
+ ring_clockwise(S.mem.x, S.mem.y, S.mem.radius-18, 14, 0, 320, swpperc, 100, color_frompercent(tonumber(swpperc)))
+ write(S.mem.text.indicators.x, S.mem.text.indicators.y, "ram: " ..memperc .. "%", 12, colors.text)
+ write(S.mem.text.indicators.x, S.mem.text.indicators.y+22, "swap: " ..swpperc .. "%", 12, colors.text)
+ write(S.mem.text.process_title.x, S.mem.text.process_title.y, usedmem, 12, colors.text)
+ write_list_proccesses_mem(S.mem.text.processes.x, S.mem.text.processes.y, 20, 5, 12, colors.text)
+function draw_clock()
+ local s = time_second()
+ local m = time_minute()
+ local h = time_hour24()
+ local date = string.format("%s, %s %s, %s", time_day_short(), time_month_short(), time_day_number(), time_year())
+ ring_clockwise(S.clock.x, S.clock.y, S.clock.radius, S.clock.width/4, 60, 420, s, 59, colors.fg)
+ ring_clockwise(S.clock.x, S.clock.y, S.clock.radius+7, S.clock.width/2, -60, 300, m, 59, colors.fg)
+ ring_clockwise(S.clock.x, S.clock.y, S.clock.radius+18, S.clock.width, 0, 360, h, 23, colors.fg)
+ write_bold(S.clock.hr.x, S.clock.hr.y, h, S.clock.font_height, colors.text)
+ write(S.clock.mn.x, S.clock.mn.y, m, S.clock.font_m, colors.text)
+ write(S.clock.dt.x, S.clock.dt.y, date, 12, colors.text)
+ write(S.clock.ut.x, S.clock.ut.y, "Uptime: " .. uptime_short(), 11, colors.text)
+function draw_disks()
+ local rt = fs_used_perc("/")
+ local hm = fs_used_perc("/home")
+ local rt_text = string.format("Root: %s / %s (%s)", fs_used("/"), fs_size("/"), fs_free("/"))
+ local hm_text = string.format("Home: %s / %s (%s)", fs_used("/home"), fs_size("/home"), fs_free("/home"))
+ ring_anticlockwise(S.disk.x, S.disk.y, S.disk.radius, S.disk.thickness, S.disk.begin_angle, S.disk.end_angle, rt, 100, color_frompercent(tonumber(rt)))
+ ring_anticlockwise(S.disk.x, S.disk.y, S.disk.radius-22, S.disk.thickness, S.disk.begin_angle, S.disk.end_angle, hm, 100, color_frompercent(tonumber(hm)))
+ write(S.disk.x+45, S.disk.y-S.disk.radius+10, rt_text, 11, colors.text)
+ write(S.disk.x+40, S.disk.y-S.disk.radius+35, hm_text, 11, colors.text)
+ local dsk_info = {
+ "Read: " .. diskio_read(""),
+ "Write: " .. diskio_write(""),
+ }
+ write_line_by_line(S.disk.x-40, S.disk.y-10, 20, dsk_info, colors.text, 12)
+function draw_net()
+ ring_clockwise(S.net.x, S.net.y, S.net.radius, 15, S.net.begin_angle, S.net.end_angle, download_speed_kb(), download_rate_maximum, colors.fg)
+ ring_clockwise(S.net.x, S.net.y, S.net.radius-18, 15, S.net.begin_angle, S.net.end_angle, upload_speed_kb(), upload_rate_maximum, colors.fg)
+ write(S.net.indicators.down.x, S.net.indicators.down.y, "▼ ".. download_speed(), 12, colors.text)
+ write(S.net.indicators.up.x, S.net.indicators.up.y, "▲ "..upload_speed(), 12, colors.text)
+ write(S.net.total.down.x-50, S.net.y, "Total ", 12, colors.text)
+ write(S.net.total.down.x, S.net.total.down.y, "▼".. download_total(), 12, colors.text)
+ write(S.net.total.up.x, S.net.total.up.y, "▲"..upload_total(), 12, colors.text)
+ local inf = {}
+ -- table.insert(inf, "SSID: " .. string.sub(ssid(), 0, 15))
+ -- table.insert(inf, "Wifi Signal: " .. wifi_signal() .. "%")
+ table.insert(inf, "Local IP: " .. local_ip())
+ if use_public_ip then
+ if public_ip == nil or (updates()%public_ip_refresh_rate) == 0 then
+ update_public_ip()
+ end
+ table.insert(inf, "Public IP: " .. get_public_ip())
+ end
+ write_line_by_line(S.net.list.x, S.net.list.y, 20, inf, colors.text, 12)
+function draw_battery()
+ if not has_battery then return end
+ if not initialized_battery and tonumber(updates()) > startup_delay + 6 then
+ init_battery()
+ end
+ local bat = battery_percent()
+ ring_anticlockwise(S.battery.x, S.battery.y, S.battery.radius, S.battery.width , S.battery.begin, S.battery.end_, bat, 100, color_frompercent_reverse(tonumber(bat)))
+ write(S.battery.text.perc.x, S.battery.text.perc.y, bat .. "%", 15, colors.text)
+ write(S.battery.text.title.x, S.battery.text.title.y, "Battery", 15, colors.text)
+function draw_titles()
+ if not to_draw_titles then return end
+ write(180, 270, "CPU", 18, colors.text)
+ write(325, S.net.y+80, "Internet", 15, colors.text)
+ write(S.mem.text.ring_title.x, S.mem.text.ring_title.y, "Memory", 18, colors.text)
+ write(S.disk.x+100, S.disk.y-S.disk.radius+130, "Hard Disk", 15, colors.text)
+function conky_main()
+ if conky_window == nil then
+ return
+ elseif colors == nil then
+ io.stderr:write("Fatal Error. Please define a theme")
+ end
+ local updates_ = tonumber(updates())
+ if initialized_battery == false and updates_ > startup_delay then
+ init_battery()
+ end
+ local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable,
+ conky_window.visual, conky_window.width,
+ conky_window.height)
+ cr = cairo_create(cs)
+ start()
+ cairo_destroy(cr)
+ cairo_surface_destroy(cs)
+ cr = nil