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+ <h1>Shell Aliases</h1>
+ <b><time>25.01.2024 13:22</time></b>
+ <a href="/tags/technology">Technology</a>
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+ <p>Here are my Shell Aliases, that I use mostly on a regular basis, enjoy</p>
+<pre tabindex="0"><code># Aliases
+## RSS Feeds
+alias rss=&#34;newsboat&#34;
+## Change OpenBSDs Soundlevel
+alias audio-ext=&#34;sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=4&#34;
+alias audio-int=&#34;sysctl hw.snd.default_unit=0&#34;
+## List files and Folders
+alias ll=&#34;ls -lah&#34;
+## Mount with SSH
+alias nasm=&#34;sudo sshfs -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o allow_other root@ /media/anon/nas &#34;
+## Torrent via CLI - no seed
+alias torrent=&#34;aria2c --follow-torrent=mem --seed-time=0 -j 10&#34;
+## Neofetch with Picture
+alias fetch=&#34;neofetch --backend w3m --source ~/Bilder/tiger.png&#34;
+## Listen German Radio
+alias radio-berliner-rundfunk-91-4=&#34;mpv;
+## Listen German techno Radio
+alias technobase=&#34;mpv;
+## Listen anonradio
+alias anonradio=&#34;mpv;
+## Backup Home Folder
+alias backup=&#34;~/Software/git/rsync-time-backup/ ~/ /media/anon/8TB/backup/&#34;
+## Spinnig ASCII Globe
+alias download-world=&#34;curl -s http://artscene.textfiles\.com/vt100/globe.vt | pv -L9600 -q&#34;
+## Open Darknet Bookmarks
+alias darknet=&#34;torsocks w3m -o auto_image=FALSE .w3m/bookmark.html&#34;
+## Open Weechat that runs on Server
+alias reechat=&#34;ssh weechat@vps -t screen -rd weechat&#34;
+## Openvpn
+alias cast-tay=&#34;sudo openvpn ~/Seafile/Crypt/tay.ovpn&#34;
+alias cast-vps=&#34;openvpn ~/Seafile/Crypt/vps.ovpn&#34;
+## webserver statistics
+alias goaccess=&#34;ssh tay -t goaccess -c /var/log/nginx/access.log&#34;
+## Dotfiles in Git
+alias config=&#34;git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME&#34;
+## Tempary Upload from cli
+alias drop=&#34;~/Software/bin/plik&#34;
+## Displays when Filesystem was created
+alias installation-age=&#34;stat -c %w /&#34;
+## launch Stable Diffusion
+alias stable-diffusion=&#34;bash ~/Software/scripts/;
+## Launch Youtube-dl with Brave Cookies and twitter fix
+alias youtube-dl=&#34;yt-dlp --cookies-from-browser Brave -o &#39;%(title).100B [%(id)s].%(ext)s&#39;&#34;
+## Run a simple webserver in current dir
+alias webserver=&#34;python3 -m http.server&#34;
+## Spotify cli
+alias ncspot=&#34;flatpak run io.github.hrkfdn.ncspot&#34;
+## Launch Matrix Client
+alias matrix=&#34;gomuks&#34;
+## Mound NAS
+alias nasm=&#34;sudo mount -t nfs4 /media/anon/raid&#34;
+## Show Hardware Infos
+alias hardware=&#34;inxi -Fnxxz&#34;
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