path: root/blog/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'blog/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1194 deletions
diff --git a/blog/ b/blog/
deleted file mode 100755
index 77b29f9..0000000
--- a/blog/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1194 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# BashBlog, a simple blog system written in a single bash script
-# (C) Carlos Fenollosa <>, 2011-2016 and contributors
-# Check out for more details
-# Global variables
-# It is recommended to perform a 'rebuild' after changing any of this in the code
-# Config file. Any settings "key=value" written there will override the
-# global_variables defaults. Useful to avoid editing and having to deal
-# with merges in VCS
-# This function will load all the variables defined here. They might be overridden
-# by the 'global_config' file contents
-global_variables() {
- global_software_name="BashBlog"
- global_software_version="2.9"
- # Blog title
- global_title="Personal Blog"
- # The typical subtitle for each blog
- global_description=""
- # The public base URL for this blog
- global_url=""
- # Your name
- global_author="tinfoil-hat"
- # You can use twitter or facebook or anything for global_author_url
- global_author_url=""
- # Your email
- global_email=""
- # CC by-nc-nd is a good starting point, you can change this to "&copy;" for Copyright
- global_license="CC by-nc-nd"
- # If you have a Google Analytics ID (UA-XXXXX) and wish to use the standard
- # embedding code, put it on global_analytics
- # If you have custom analytics code (i.e. non-google) or want to use the Universal
- # code, leave global_analytics empty and specify a global_analytics_file
- global_analytics=""
- global_analytics_file=""
- # Leave this empty (i.e. "") if you don't want to use feedburner,
- # or change it to your own URL
- global_feedburner=""
- # Change this to your username if you want to use twitter for comments
- global_twitter_username=""
- # Set this to false for a Twitter button with share count. The cookieless version
- # is just a link.
- global_twitter_cookieless="true"
- # Default search page, where tweets more than a week old are hidden
- global_twitter_search="twitter"
- # Change this to your disqus username to use disqus for comments
- global_disqus_username=""
- # Blog generated files
- # index page of blog (it is usually good to use "index.html" here)
- index_file="index.html"
- number_of_index_articles="8"
- # global archive
- archive_index="all_posts.html"
- tags_index="all_tags.html"
- # Non blogpost files. Bashblog will ignore these. Useful for static pages and custom content
- # Add them as a bash array, e.g. non_blogpost_files=("news.html" "test.html")
- non_blogpost_files=()
- # feed file (rss in this case)
- blog_feed="feed.rss"
- number_of_feed_articles="10"
- # "cut" blog entry when putting it to index page. Leave blank for full articles in front page
- # i.e. include only up to first '<hr>', or '----' in markdown
- cut_do="cut"
- # When cutting, cut also tags? If "no", tags will appear in index page for cut articles
- cut_tags="yes"
- # Regexp matching the HTML line where to do the cut
- # note that slash is regexp separator so you need to prepend it with backslash
- cut_line='<hr ?\/?>'
- # save markdown file when posting with "bb post -m". Leave blank to discard it.
- save_markdown="yes"
- # prefix for tags/categories files
- # please make sure that no other html file starts with this prefix
- prefix_tags="tag_"
- # personalized header and footer (only if you know what you're doing)
- # DO NOT name them .header.html, .footer.html or they will be overwritten
- # leave blank to generate them, recommended
- header_file="header.html"
- footer_file="footer.html"
- # extra content to add just after we open the <body> tag
- # and before the actual blog content
- body_begin_file=""
- # extra content to add just before we close </body>
- body_end_file=""
- # extra content to ONLY on the index page AFTER `body_begin_file` contents
- # and before the actual content
- body_begin_file_index=""
- # CSS files to include on every page, f.ex. css_include=('main.css' 'blog.css')
- # leave empty to use generated
- css_include=()
- # HTML files to exclude from index, f.ex. post_exclude=('imprint.html 'aboutme.html')
- html_exclude=()
- # Localization and i18n
- # "Comments?" (used in twitter link after every post)
- template_comments="Comments?"
- # "Read more..." (link under cut article on index page)
- template_read_more="Read more..."
- # "View more posts" (used on bottom of index page as link to archive)
- template_archive="View more posts"
- # "All posts" (title of archive page)
- template_archive_title="All posts"
- # "All tags"
- template_tags_title="All tags"
- # "posts" (on "All tags" page, text at the end of each tag line, like "2. Music - 15 posts")
- template_tags_posts="posts"
- template_tags_posts_2_4="posts" # Some slavic languages use a different plural form for 2-4 items
- template_tags_posts_singular="post"
- # "Posts tagged" (text on a title of a page with index of one tag, like "My Blog - Posts tagged "Music"")
- template_tag_title="Posts tagged"
- # "Tags:" (beginning of line in HTML file with list of all tags for this article)
- template_tags_line_header="Tags:"
- # "Back to the index page" (used on archive page, it is link to blog index)
- template_archive_index_page="Back to the index page"
- # "Subscribe" (used on bottom of index page, it is link to RSS feed)
- template_subscribe="Subscribe"
- # "Subscribe to this page..." (used as text for browser feed button that is embedded to html)
- template_subscribe_browser_button="Subscribe to this page..."
- # "Tweet" (used as twitter text button for posting to twitter)
- template_twitter_button="Tweet"
- template_twitter_comment="&lt;Type your comment here but please leave the URL so that other people can follow the comments&gt;"
- # The locale to use for the dates displayed on screen
- date_format="%B %d, %Y"
- date_locale="C"
- date_inpost="bashblog_timestamp"
- # Don't change these dates
- date_format_full="%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z"
- date_format_timestamp="%Y%m%d%H%M.%S"
- date_allposts_header="%B %Y"
- # Perform the post title -> filename conversion
- # Experts only. You may need to tune the locales too
- # Leave empty for no conversion, which is not recommended
- # This default filter respects backwards compatibility
- convert_filename="iconv -f utf-8 -t ascii//translit | sed 's/^-*//' | tr [:upper:] [:lower:] | tr ' ' '-' | tr -dc '[:alnum:]-'"
- # URL where you can view the post while it's being edited
- # same as global_url by default
- # You can change it to path on your computer, if you write posts locally
- # before copying them to the server
- preview_url=""
- # Markdown location. Trying to autodetect by default.
- # The invocation must support the signature 'markdown_bin > out.html'
- [[ -f ]] && markdown_bin=./ || markdown_bin=$(which 2>/dev/null || which markdown 2>/dev/null)
-# Check for the validity of some variables
-# DO NOT EDIT THIS FUNCTION unless you know what you're doing
-global_variables_check() {
- [[ $header_file == .header.html ]] &&
- echo "Please check your configuration. '.header.html' is not a valid value for the setting 'header_file'" &&
- exit
- [[ $footer_file == .footer.html ]] &&
- echo "Please check your configuration. '.footer.html' is not a valid value for the setting 'footer_file'" &&
- exit
-# Test if the markdown script is working correctly
-test_markdown() {
- [[ -n $markdown_bin ]] &&
- (
- [[ $("$markdown_bin" <<< $'line 1\n\nline 2') == $'<p>line 1</p>\n\n<p>line 2</p>' ]] ||
- [[ $("$markdown_bin" <<< $'line 1\n\nline 2') == $'<p>line 1</p>\n<p>line 2</p>' ]]
- )
-# Parse a Markdown file into HTML and return the generated file
-markdown() {
- out=${}.html
- while [[ -f $out ]]; do out=${out%.html}.$RANDOM.html; done
- $markdown_bin "$1" > "$out"
- echo "$out"
-# Prints the required google analytics code
-google_analytics() {
- [[ -z $global_analytics && -z $global_analytics_file ]] && return
- if [[ -z $global_analytics_file ]]; then
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">
- var _gaq = _gaq || [];
- _gaq.push(['_setAccount', '${global_analytics}']);
- _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']);
- (function() {
- var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true;
- ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
- var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s);
- })();
- </script>"
- else
- cat "$global_analytics_file"
- fi
-# Prints the required code for disqus comments
-disqus_body() {
- [[ -z $global_disqus_username ]] && return
- echo '<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- var disqus_shortname = '"'$global_disqus_username'"'; // required: replace example with your forum shortname
- (function() {
- var dsq = document.createElement("script"); dsq.type = "text/javascript"; dsq.async = true;
- dsq.src = "//" + disqus_shortname + "";
- (document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]).appendChild(dsq);
- })();
- </script>
- <noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
- <a href="" class="dsq-brlink">comments powered by <span class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></a>'
-# Prints the required code for disqus in the footer
-disqus_footer() {
- [[ -z $global_disqus_username ]] && return
- echo '<script type="text/javascript">
- var disqus_shortname = '"'$global_disqus_username'"'; // required: replace example with your forum shortname
- (function () {
- var s = document.createElement("script"); s.async = true;
- s.type = "text/javascript";
- s.src = "//" + disqus_shortname + "";
- (document.getElementsByTagName("HEAD")[0] || document.getElementsByTagName("BODY")[0]).appendChild(s);
- }());
- </script>'
-# Reads HTML file from stdin, prints its content to stdout
-# $1 where to start ("text" or "entry")
-# $2 where to stop ("text" or "entry")
-# $3 "cut" to remove text from <hr /> to <!-- text end -->
-# note that this does not remove <hr /> line itself,
-# so you can see if text was cut or not
-get_html_file_content() {
- awk "/<!-- $1 begin -->/, /<!-- $2 end -->/{
- if (!/<!-- $1 begin -->/ && !/<!-- $2 end -->/) print
- if (\"$3\" == \"cut\" && /$cut_line/){
- if (\"$2\" == \"text\") exit # no need to read further
- while (getline > 0 && !/<!-- text end -->/) {
- if (\"$cut_tags\" == \"no\" && /^<p>$template_tags_line_header/ ) print
- }
- }
- }"
-# Edit an existing, published .html file while keeping its original timestamp
-# Please note that this function does not automatically republish anything, as
-# it is usually called from 'main'.
-# Note that it edits HTML file, even if you wrote the post as markdown originally
-# Note that if you edit title then filename might also change
-# $1 the file to edit
-# $2 (optional) edit mode:
-# "keep" to keep old filename
-# "full" to edit full HTML, and not only text part (keeps old filename)
-# leave empty for default behavior (edit only text part and change name)
-edit() {
- [[ ! -f "${1%%.*}.html" ]] && echo "Can't edit post "${1%%.*}.html", did you mean to use \" post <draft_file>\"?" && exit -1
- # Original post timestamp
- edit_timestamp=$(LC_ALL=C date -r "${1%%.*}.html" +"$date_format_full" )
- touch_timestamp=$(LC_ALL=C date -r "${1%%.*}.html" +"$date_format_timestamp")
- tags_before=$(tags_in_post "${1%%.*}.html")
- if [[ $2 == full ]]; then
- $EDITOR "$1"
- filename=$1
- else
- if [[ ${1##*.} == md ]]; then
- test_markdown
- if (($? != 0)); then
- echo "Markdown is not working, please edit HTML file directly."
- exit
- fi
- # editing markdown file
- $EDITOR "$1"
- TMPFILE=$(markdown "$1")
- filename=${1%%.*}.html
- else
- # Create the content file
- TMPFILE=$(basename "$1").$RANDOM.html
- # Title
- get_post_title "$1" > "$TMPFILE"
- # Post text with plaintext tags
- get_html_file_content 'text' 'text' <"$1" | sed "/^<p>$template_tags_line_header/s|<a href='$prefix_tags\([^']*\).html'>\\1</a>|\\1|g" >> "$TMPFILE"
- filename=$1
- fi
- rm "$filename"
- if [[ $2 == keep ]]; then
- parse_file "$TMPFILE" "$edit_timestamp" "$filename"
- else
- parse_file "$TMPFILE" "$edit_timestamp" # this command sets $filename as the html processed file
- [[ ${1##*.} == md ]] && mv "$1" "${filename%%.*}.md" 2>/dev/null
- fi
- rm "$TMPFILE"
- fi
- touch -t "$touch_timestamp" "$filename"
- touch -t "$touch_timestamp" "$1"
- chmod 644 "$filename"
- echo "Posted $filename"
- tags_after=$(tags_in_post "$filename")
- relevant_tags=$(echo "$tags_before $tags_after" | tr ',' ' ' | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u | tr '\n' ' ')
- if [[ ! -z $relevant_tags ]]; then
- relevant_posts="$(posts_with_tags $relevant_tags) $filename"
- rebuild_tags "$relevant_posts" "$relevant_tags"
- fi
-# Create a Twitter summary (twitter "card") for the post
-# $1 the post file
-# $2 the title
-twitter_card() {
- [[ -z $global_twitter_username ]] && return
- echo "<meta name='twitter:card' content='summary' />"
- echo "<meta name='twitter:site' content='@$global_twitter_username' />"
- echo "<meta name='twitter:title' content='$2' />" # Twitter truncates at 70 char
- description=$(grep -v "^<p>$template_tags_line_header" "$1" | sed -e 's/<[^>]*>//g' | tr '\n' ' ' | sed "s/\"/'/g" | head -c 250)
- echo "<meta name='twitter:description' content=\"$description\" />"
- image=$(sed -n '2,$ d; s/.*<img.*src="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p' "$1") # First image is fine
- [[ -z $image ]] && return
- [[ $image =~ ^https?:// ]] || image=$global_url/$image # Check that URL is absolute
- echo "<meta name='twitter:image' content='$image' />"
-# Adds the code needed by the twitter button
-# $1 the post URL
-twitter() {
- [[ -z $global_twitter_username ]] && return
- if [[ -z $global_disqus_username ]]; then
- if [[ $global_twitter_cookieless == true ]]; then
- id=$RANDOM
- search_engine=""
- echo "<p id='twitter'><a href='$1&text=$template_twitter_comment&via=$global_twitter_username'>$template_comments $template_twitter_button</a> "
- echo "<a href='$search_engine""$1'><span id='count-$id'></span></a>&nbsp;</p>"
- return;
- else
- echo "<p id='twitter'>$template_comments&nbsp;";
- fi
- else
- echo "<p id='twitter'><a href=\"$1#disqus_thread\">$template_comments</a> &nbsp;"
- fi
- echo "<a href=\"\" class=\"twitter-share-button\" data-text=\"$template_twitter_comment\" data-url=\"$1\""
- echo " data-via=\"$global_twitter_username\""
- echo ">$template_twitter_button</a> <script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=\"//\";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,\"script\",\"twitter-wjs\");</script>"
- echo "</p>"
-# Check if the file is a 'boilerplate' (i.e. not a post)
-# The return values are designed to be used like this inside a loop:
-# is_boilerplate_file <file> && continue
-# $1 the file
-# Return 0 (bash return value 'true') if the input file is an index, feed, etc
-# or 1 (bash return value 'false') if it is a blogpost
-is_boilerplate_file() {
- name=${1#./}
- # First check against user-defined non-blogpost pages
- for item in "${non_blogpost_files[@]}"; do
- [[ "$name" == "$item" ]] && return 0
- done
- case $name in
- ( "$index_file" | "$archive_index" | "$tags_index" | "$footer_file" | "$header_file" | "$global_analytics_file" | "$prefix_tags"* )
- return 0 ;;
- ( * ) # Check for excluded
- for excl in "${html_exclude[@]}"; do
- [[ $name == "$excl" ]] && return 0
- done
- return 1 ;;
- esac
-# Adds all the bells and whistles to format the html page
-# Every blog post is marked with a <!-- entry begin --> and <!-- entry end -->
-# which is parsed afterwards in the other functions. There is also a marker
-# <!-- text begin --> to determine just the beginning of the text body of the post
-# $1 a file with the body of the content
-# $2 the output file
-# $3 "yes" if we want to generate the index.html,
-# "no" to insert new blog posts
-# $4 title for the html header
-# $5 original blog timestamp
-# $6 post author
-create_html_page() {
- content=$1
- filename=$2
- index=$3
- title=$4
- timestamp=$5
- author=$6
- # Create the actual blog post
- # html, head
- {
- cat ".header.html"
- echo "<title>$title</title>"
- google_analytics
- twitter_card "$content" "$title"
- echo "</head><body>"
- # stuff to add before the actual body content
- [[ -n $body_begin_file ]] && cat "$body_begin_file"
- [[ $filename = $index_file* ]] && [[ -n $body_begin_file_index ]] && cat "$body_begin_file_index"
- # body divs
- echo '<div id="divbodyholder">'
- echo '<div class="headerholder"><div class="header">'
- # blog title
- echo '<div id="title">'
- cat .title.html
- echo '</div></div></div>' # title, header, headerholder
- echo '<div id="divbody"><div class="content">'
- file_url=${filename#./}
- file_url=${file_url%.rebuilt} # Get the correct URL when rebuilding
- # one blog entry
- if [[ $index == no ]]; then
- echo '<!-- entry begin -->' # marks the beginning of the whole post
- echo "<h3><a class=\"ablack\" href=\"$file_url\">"
- # remove possible <p>'s on the title because of markdown conversion
- title=${title//<p>/}
- title=${title//<\/p>/}
- echo "$title"
- echo '</a></h3>'
- if [[ -z $timestamp ]]; then
- echo "<!-- $date_inpost: #$(LC_ALL=$date_locale date +"$date_format_timestamp")# -->"
- else
- echo "<!-- $date_inpost: #$(LC_ALL=$date_locale date +"$date_format_timestamp" --date="$timestamp")# -->"
- fi
- if [[ -z $timestamp ]]; then
- echo -n "<div class=\"subtitle\">$(LC_ALL=$date_locale date +"$date_format")"
- else
- echo -n "<div class=\"subtitle\">$(LC_ALL=$date_locale date +"$date_format" --date="$timestamp")"
- fi
- [[ -n $author ]] && echo -e " &mdash; \n$author"
- echo "</div>"
- echo '<!-- text begin -->' # This marks the text body, after the title, date...
- fi
- cat "$content" # Actual content
- if [[ $index == no ]]; then
- echo -e '\n<!-- text end -->'
- twitter "$global_url/$file_url"
- echo '<!-- entry end -->' # absolute end of the post
- fi
- echo '</div>' # content
- # Add disqus commments except for index and all_posts pages
- [[ $index == no ]] && disqus_body
- # page footer
- cat .footer.html
- # close divs
- echo '</div></div>' # divbody and divbodyholder
- disqus_footer
- [[ -n $body_end_file ]] && cat "$body_end_file"
- echo '</body></html>'
- } > "$filename"
-# Parse the plain text file into an html file
-# $1 source file name
-# $2 (optional) timestamp for the file
-# $3 (optional) destination file name
-# note that although timestamp is optional, something must be provided at its
-# place if destination file name is provided, i.e:
-# parse_file source.txt "" destination.html
-parse_file() {
- # Read for the title and check that the filename is ok
- title=""
- while IFS='' read -r line; do
- if [[ -z $title ]]; then
- # remove extra <p> and </p> added by markdown
- title=$(echo "$line" | sed 's/<\/*p>//g')
- if [[ -n $3 ]]; then
- filename=$3
- else
- filename=$title
- [[ -n $convert_filename ]] &&
- filename=$(echo "$title" | eval "$convert_filename")
- [[ -n $filename ]] ||
- filename=$RANDOM # don't allow empty filenames
- filename=$filename.html
- # Check for duplicate file names
- while [[ -f $filename ]]; do
- filename=${filename%.html}$RANDOM.html
- done
- fi
- content=$filename.tmp
- # Parse possible tags
- elif [[ $line == "<p>$template_tags_line_header"* ]]; then
- tags=$(echo "$line" | cut -d ":" -f 2- | sed -e 's/<\/p>//g' -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//' -e 's/, /,/g')
- IFS=, read -r -a array <<< "$tags"
- echo -n "<p>$template_tags_line_header " >> "$content"
- for item in "${array[@]}"; do
- echo -n "<a href='$prefix_tags$item.html'>$item</a>, "
- done | sed 's/, $/<\/p>/g' >> "$content"
- else
- echo "$line" >> "$content"
- fi
- done < "$1"
- # Create the actual html page
- create_html_page "$content" "$filename" no "$title" "$2" "$global_author"
- rm "$content"
-# Manages the creation of the text file and the parsing to html file
-# also the drafts
-write_entry() {
- test_markdown && fmt=md || fmt=html
- f=$2
- [[ $2 == -html ]] && fmt=html && f=$3
- if [[ -n $f ]]; then
- if [[ ! -f $TMPFILE ]]; then
- echo "The file doesn't exist"
- delete_includes
- exit
- fi
- # guess format from TMPFILE
- extension=${TMPFILE##*.}
- [[ $extension == md || $extension == html ]] && fmt=$extension
- # but let user override it (` post -html`)
- [[ $2 == -html ]] && fmt=html
- # Test if Markdown is working before re-posting a .md file
- if [[ $extension == md ]]; then
- test_markdown
- if (($? != 0)); then
- echo "Markdown is not working, please edit HTML file directly."
- exit
- fi
- fi
- else
- TMPFILE=.entry-$RANDOM.$fmt
- echo -e "Title on this line\n" >> "$TMPFILE"
- [[ $fmt == html ]] && cat << EOF >> "$TMPFILE"
-<p>The rest of the text file is an <b>html</b> blog post. The process will continue as soon
-as you exit your editor.</p>
-<p>$template_tags_line_header keep-this-tag-format, tags-are-optional, example</p>
- [[ $fmt == md ]] && cat << EOF >> "$TMPFILE"
-The rest of the text file is a **Markdown** blog post. The process will continue
-as soon as you exit your editor.
-$template_tags_line_header keep-this-tag-format, tags-are-optional, beware-with-underscores-in-markdown, example
- fi
- chmod 600 "$TMPFILE"
- post_status="E"
- filename=""
- while [[ $post_status != "p" && $post_status != "P" ]]; do
- [[ -n $filename ]] && rm "$filename" # Delete the generated html file, if any
- if [[ $fmt == md ]]; then
- html_from_md=$(markdown "$TMPFILE")
- parse_file "$html_from_md"
- rm "$html_from_md"
- else
- parse_file "$TMPFILE" # this command sets $filename as the html processed file
- fi
- chmod 644 "$filename"
- [[ -n $preview_url ]] || preview_url=$global_url
- echo "To preview the entry, open $preview_url/$filename in your browser"
- echo -n "[P]ost this entry, [E]dit again, [D]raft for later? (p/E/d) "
- read -r post_status
- if [[ $post_status == d || $post_status == D ]]; then
- mkdir -p "drafts/"
- chmod 700 "drafts/"
- title=$(head -n 1 $TMPFILE)
- [[ -n $convert_filename ]] && title=$(echo "$title" | eval "$convert_filename")
- [[ -n $title ]] || title=$RANDOM
- draft=drafts/$title.$fmt
- mv "$TMPFILE" "$draft"
- chmod 600 "$draft"
- rm "$filename"
- delete_includes
- echo "Saved your draft as '$draft'"
- exit
- fi
- done
- if [[ $fmt == md && -n $save_markdown ]]; then
- mv "$TMPFILE" "${filename%%.*}.md"
- else
- rm "$TMPFILE"
- fi
- chmod 644 "$filename"
- echo "Posted $filename"
- relevant_tags=$(tags_in_post $filename)
- if [[ -n $relevant_tags ]]; then
- relevant_posts="$(posts_with_tags $relevant_tags) $filename"
- rebuild_tags "$relevant_posts" "$relevant_tags"
- fi
-# Create an index page with all the posts
-all_posts() {
- echo -n "Creating an index page with all the posts "
- contentfile=$archive_index.$RANDOM
- while [[ -f $contentfile ]]; do
- contentfile=$archive_index.$RANDOM
- done
- {
- echo "<h3>$template_archive_title</h3>"
- prev_month=""
- while IFS='' read -r i; do
- is_boilerplate_file "$i" && continue
- echo -n "." 1>&3
- # Month headers
- month=$(LC_ALL=$date_locale date -r "$i" +"$date_allposts_header")
- if [[ $month != "$prev_month" ]]; then
- [[ -n $prev_month ]] && echo "</ul>" # Don't close ul before first header
- echo "<h4 class='allposts_header'>$month</h4>"
- echo "<ul>"
- prev_month=$month
- fi
- # Title
- title=$(get_post_title "$i")
- echo -n "<li><a href=\"$i\">$title</a> &mdash;"
- # Date
- date=$(LC_ALL=$date_locale date -r "$i" +"$date_format")
- echo " $date</li>"
- done < <(ls -t ./*.html)
- echo "" 1>&3
- echo "</ul>"
- echo "<div id=\"all_posts\"><a href=\"./$index_file\">$template_archive_index_page</a></div>"
- } 3>&1 >"$contentfile"
- create_html_page "$contentfile" "$archive_index.tmp" yes "$global_title &mdash; $template_archive_title" "$global_author"
- mv "$archive_index.tmp" "$archive_index"
- chmod 644 "$archive_index"
- rm "$contentfile"
-# Create an index page with all the tags
-all_tags() {
- echo -n "Creating an index page with all the tags "
- contentfile=$tags_index.$RANDOM
- while [[ -f $contentfile ]]; do
- contentfile=$tags_index.$RANDOM
- done
- {
- echo "<h3>$template_tags_title</h3>"
- echo "<ul>"
- for i in $prefix_tags*.html; do
- [[ -f "$i" ]] || break
- echo -n "." 1>&3
- nposts=$(grep -c "<\!-- text begin -->" "$i")
- tagname=${i#"$prefix_tags"}
- tagname=${tagname%.html}
- case $nposts in
- 1) word=$template_tags_posts_singular;;
- 2|3|4) word=$template_tags_posts_2_4;;
- *) word=$template_tags_posts;;
- esac
- echo "<li><a href=\"$i\">$tagname</a> &mdash; $nposts $word</li>"
- done
- echo "" 1>&3
- echo "</ul>"
- echo "<div id=\"all_posts\"><a href=\"./$index_file\">$template_archive_index_page</a></div>"
- } 3>&1 > "$contentfile"
- create_html_page "$contentfile" "$tags_index.tmp" yes "$global_title &mdash; $template_tags_title" "$global_author"
- mv "$tags_index.tmp" "$tags_index"
- chmod 644 "$tags_index"
- rm "$contentfile"
-# Generate the index.html with the content of the latest posts
-rebuild_index() {
- echo -n "Rebuilding the index "
- newindexfile=$index_file.$RANDOM
- contentfile=$newindexfile.content
- while [[ -f $newindexfile ]]; do
- newindexfile=$index_file.$RANDOM
- contentfile=$newindexfile.content
- done
- # Create the content file
- {
- n=0
- while IFS='' read -r i; do
- is_boilerplate_file "$i" && continue;
- if ((n >= number_of_index_articles)); then break; fi
- if [[ -n $cut_do ]]; then
- get_html_file_content 'entry' 'entry' 'cut' <"$i" | awk "/$cut_line/ { print \"<p class=\\\"readmore\\\"><a href=\\\"$i\\\">$template_read_more</a></p>\" ; next } 1"
- else
- get_html_file_content 'entry' 'entry' <"$i"
- fi
- echo -n "." 1>&3
- n=$(( n + 1 ))
- done < <(ls -t ./*.html) # sort by date, newest first
- feed=$blog_feed
- if [[ -n $global_feedburner ]]; then feed=$global_feedburner; fi
- echo "<div id=\"all_posts\"><a href=\"$archive_index\">$template_archive</a> &mdash; <a href=\"$tags_index\">$template_tags_title</a> &mdash; <a href=\"$feed\">$template_subscribe</a></div>"
- } 3>&1 >"$contentfile"
- echo ""
- create_html_page "$contentfile" "$newindexfile" yes "$global_title" "$global_author"
- rm "$contentfile"
- mv "$newindexfile" "$index_file"
- chmod 644 "$index_file"
-# Finds all tags referenced in one post.
-# Accepts either filename as first argument, or post content at stdin
-# Prints one line with space-separated tags to stdout
-tags_in_post() {
- sed -n "/^<p>$template_tags_line_header/{s/^<p>$template_tags_line_header//;s/<[^>]*>//g;s/[ ,]\+/ /g;p;}" "$1" | tr ', ' ' '
-# Finds all posts referenced in a number of tags.
-# Arguments are tags
-# Prints one line with space-separated tags to stdout
-posts_with_tags() {
- (($# < 1)) && return
- set -- "${@/#/$prefix_tags}"
- set -- "${@/%/.html}"
- sed -n '/^<h3><a class="ablack" href="[^"]*">/{s/.*href="\([^"]*\)">.*/\1/;p;}' "$@" 2> /dev/null
-# Rebuilds tag_*.html files
-# if no arguments given, rebuilds all of them
-# if arguments given, they should have this format:
-# "FILE1 [FILE2 [...]]" "TAG1 [TAG2 [...]]"
-# where FILEn are files with posts which should be used for rebuilding tags,
-# and TAGn are names of tags which should be rebuilt.
-# example:
-# rebuild_tags "one_post.html another_article.html" "example-tag another-tag"
-# mind the quotes!
-rebuild_tags() {
- if (($# < 2)); then
- # will process all files and tags
- files=$(ls -t ./*.html)
- all_tags=yes
- else
- # will process only given files and tags
- files=$(printf '%s\n' $1 | sort -u)
- files=$(ls -t $files)
- tags=$2
- fi
- echo -n "Rebuilding tag pages "
- n=0
- if [[ -n $all_tags ]]; then
- rm ./"$prefix_tags"*.html &> /dev/null
- else
- for i in $tags; do
- rm "./$prefix_tags$i.html" &> /dev/null
- done
- fi
- # First we will process all files and create temporal tag files
- # with just the content of the posts
- tmpfile=tmp.$RANDOM
- while [[ -f $tmpfile ]]; do tmpfile=tmp.$RANDOM; done
- while IFS='' read -r i; do
- is_boilerplate_file "$i" && continue;
- echo -n "."
- if [[ -n $cut_do ]]; then
- get_html_file_content 'entry' 'entry' 'cut' <"$i" | awk "/$cut_line/ { print \"<p class=\\\"readmore\\\"><a href=\\\"$i\\\">$template_read_more</a></p>\" ; next } 1"
- else
- get_html_file_content 'entry' 'entry' <"$i"
- fi >"$tmpfile"
- for tag in $(tags_in_post "$i"); do
- if [[ -n $all_tags || " $tags " == *" $tag "* ]]; then
- cat "$tmpfile" >> "$prefix_tags$tag".tmp.html
- fi
- done
- done <<< "$files"
- rm "$tmpfile"
- # Now generate the tag files with headers, footers, etc
- while IFS='' read -r i; do
- tagname=${i#./"$prefix_tags"}
- tagname=${tagname%.tmp.html}
- create_html_page "$i" "$prefix_tags$tagname.html" yes "$global_title &mdash; $template_tag_title \"$tagname\"" "$global_author"
- rm "$i"
- done < <(ls -t ./"$prefix_tags"*.tmp.html 2>/dev/null)
- echo
-# Return the post title
-# $1 the html file
-get_post_title() {
- awk '/<h3><a class="ablack" href=".+">/, /<\/a><\/h3>/{if (!/<h3><a class="ablack" href=".+">/ && !/<\/a><\/h3>/) print}' "$1"
-# Return the post author
-# $1 the html file
-get_post_author() {
- awk '/<div class="subtitle">.+/, /<!-- text begin -->/{if (!/<div class="subtitle">.+/ && !/<!-- text begin -->/) print}' "$1" | sed 's/<\/div>//g'
-# Displays a list of the tags
-# $2 if "-n", tags will be sorted by number of posts
-list_tags() {
- if [[ $2 == -n ]]; then do_sort=1; else do_sort=0; fi
- ls ./$prefix_tags*.html &> /dev/null
- (($? != 0)) && echo "No posts yet. Use ' post' to create one" && return
- lines=""
- for i in $prefix_tags*.html; do
- [[ -f "$i" ]] || break
- nposts=$(grep -c "<\!-- text begin -->" "$i")
- tagname=${i#"$prefix_tags"}
- tagname=${tagname#.html}
- ((nposts > 1)) && word=$template_tags_posts || word=$template_tags_posts_singular
- line="$tagname # $nposts # $word"
- lines+=$line\\n
- done
- if (( do_sort == 1 )); then
- echo -e "$lines" | column -t -s "#" | sort -nrk 2
- else
- echo -e "$lines" | column -t -s "#"
- fi
-# Displays a list of the posts
-list_posts() {
- ls ./*.html &> /dev/null
- (($? != 0)) && echo "No posts yet. Use ' post' to create one" && return
- lines=""
- n=1
- while IFS='' read -r i; do
- is_boilerplate_file "$i" && continue
- line="$n # $(get_post_title "$i") # $(LC_ALL=$date_locale date -r "$i" +"$date_format")"
- lines+=$line\\n
- n=$(( n + 1 ))
- done < <(ls -t ./*.html)
- echo -e "$lines" | column -t -s "#"
-# Generate the feed file
-make_rss() {
- echo -n "Making RSS "
- rssfile=$blog_feed.$RANDOM
- while [[ -f $rssfile ]]; do rssfile=$blog_feed.$RANDOM; done
- {
- pubdate=$(LC_ALL=C date +"$date_format_full")
- echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'
- echo '<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:dc="">'
- echo "<channel><title>$global_title</title><link>$global_url/$index_file</link>"
- echo "<description>$global_description</description><language>en</language>"
- echo "<lastBuildDate>$pubdate</lastBuildDate>"
- echo "<pubDate>$pubdate</pubDate>"
- echo "<atom:link href=\"$global_url/$blog_feed\" rel=\"self\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" />"
- n=0
- while IFS='' read -r i; do
- is_boilerplate_file "$i" && continue
- ((n >= number_of_feed_articles)) && break # max 10 items
- echo -n "." 1>&3
- echo '<item><title>'
- get_post_title "$i"
- echo '</title><description><![CDATA['
- get_html_file_content 'text' 'entry' $cut_do <"$i"
- echo "]]></description><link>$global_url/${i#./}</link>"
- echo "<guid>$global_url/$i</guid>"
- echo "<dc:creator>$(get_post_author "$i")</dc:creator>"
- echo "<pubDate>$(LC_ALL=C date -r "$i" +"$date_format_full")</pubDate></item>"
- n=$(( n + 1 ))
- done < <(ls -t ./*.html)
- echo '</channel></rss>'
- } 3>&1 >"$rssfile"
- echo ""
- mv "$rssfile" "$blog_feed"
- chmod 644 "$blog_feed"
-# generate headers, footers, etc
-create_includes() {
- {
- echo "<h1 class=\"nomargin\"><a class=\"ablack\" href=\"$global_url/$index_file\">$global_title</a></h1>"
- echo "<div id=\"description\">$global_description</div>"
- } > ".title.html"
- if [[ -f $header_file ]]; then cp "$header_file" .header.html
- else {
- echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">'
- echo '<html xmlns=""><head>'
- echo '<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />'
- echo '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />'
- printf '<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s" type="text/css" />\n' "${css_include[@]}"
- if [[ -z $global_feedburner ]]; then
- echo "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"$template_subscribe_browser_button\" href=\"$blog_feed\" />"
- else
- echo "<link rel=\"alternate\" type=\"application/rss+xml\" title=\"$template_subscribe_browser_button\" href=\"$global_feedburner\" />"
- fi
- } > ".header.html"
- fi
- if [[ -f $footer_file ]]; then cp "$footer_file" .footer.html
- else {
- protected_mail=${global_email//@/&#64;}
- protected_mail=${protected_mail//./&#46;}
- echo "<div id=\"footer\">$global_license <a href=\"$global_author_url\">$global_author</a> &mdash; <a href=\"mailto:$protected_mail\">$protected_mail</a><br/>"
- echo 'Generated with <a href="">bashblog</a>, a single bash script to easily create blogs like this one</div>'
- } >> ".footer.html"
- fi
-# Delete the temporarily generated include files
-delete_includes() {
- rm ".title.html" ".footer.html" ".header.html"
-# Create the css file from scratch
-create_css() {
- # To avoid overwriting manual changes. However it is recommended that
- # this function is modified if the user changes the blog.css file
- (( ${#css_include[@]} > 0 )) && return || css_include=('main.css' 'blog.css')
- if [[ ! -f blog.css ]]; then
- # blog.css directives will be loaded after main.css and thus will prevail
- echo '#title{font-size: x-large;}
- a.ablack{color:black !important;}
- li{margin-bottom:8px;}
- ul,ol{margin-left:24px;margin-right:24px;}
- #all_posts{margin-top:24px;text-align:center;}
- .subtitle{font-size:small;margin:12px 0px;}
- .content p{margin-left:24px;margin-right:24px;}
- h1{margin-bottom:12px !important;}
- #description{font-size:large;margin-bottom:12px;}
- h3{margin-top:42px;margin-bottom:8px;}
- h4{margin-left:24px;margin-right:24px;}
- img{max-width:100%;}
- #twitter{line-height:20px;vertical-align:top;text-align:right;font-style:italic;color:#333;margin-top:24px;font-size:14px;}' > blog.css
- fi
- # If there is a style.css from the parent page (i.e. some landing page)
- # then use it. This directive is here for compatibility with my own
- # home page. Feel free to edit it out, though it doesn't hurt
- if [[ -f ../style.css ]] && [[ ! -f main.css ]]; then
- ln -s "../style.css" "main.css"
- elif [[ ! -f main.css ]]; then
- echo 'body{font-family:Georgia,"Times New Roman",Times,serif;margin:0;padding:0;background-color:#F3F3F3;}
- #divbodyholder{padding:5px;background-color:#DDD;width:100%;max-width:874px;margin:24px auto;}
- #divbody{border:solid 1px #ccc;background-color:#fff;padding:0px 48px 24px 48px;top:0;}
- .headerholder{background-color:#f9f9f9;border-top:solid 1px #ccc;border-left:solid 1px #ccc;border-right:solid 1px #ccc;}
- .header{width:100%;max-width:800px;margin:0px auto;padding-top:24px;padding-bottom:8px;}
- .content{margin-bottom:5%;}
- .nomargin{margin:0;}
- .description{margin-top:10px;border-top:solid 1px #666;padding:10px 0;}
- h3{font-size:20pt;width:100%;font-weight:bold;margin-top:32px;margin-bottom:0;}
- .clear{clear:both;}
- #footer{padding-top:10px;border-top:solid 1px #666;color:#333333;text-align:center;font-size:small;font-family:"Courier New","Courier",monospace;}
- a{text-decoration:none;color:#003366 !important;}
- a:visited{text-decoration:none;color:#336699 !important;}
- blockquote{background-color:#f9f9f9;border-left:solid 4px #e9e9e9;margin-left:12px;padding:12px 12px 12px 24px;}
- blockquote img{margin:12px 0px;}
- blockquote iframe{margin:12px 0px;}' > main.css
- fi
-# Regenerates all the single post entries, keeping the post content but modifying
-# the title, html structure, etc
-rebuild_all_entries() {
- echo -n "Rebuilding all entries "
- for i in ./*.html; do
- is_boilerplate_file "$i" && continue;
- contentfile=.tmp.$RANDOM
- while [[ -f $contentfile ]]; do contentfile=.tmp.$RANDOM; done
- echo -n "."
- # Get the title and entry, and rebuild the html structure from scratch (divs, title, description...)
- title=$(get_post_title "$i")
- get_html_file_content 'text' 'text' <"$i" >> "$contentfile"
- # Read timestamp from post, if present, and sync file timestamp
- timestamp=$(awk '/<!-- '$date_inpost': .+ -->/ { print }' "$i" | cut -d '#' -f 2)
- [[ -n $timestamp ]] && touch -t "$timestamp" "$i"
- # Read timestamp from file in correct format for 'create_html_page'
- timestamp=$(LC_ALL=C date -r "$i" +"$date_format_full")
- create_html_page "$contentfile" "$i.rebuilt" no "$title" "$timestamp" "$(get_post_author "$i")"
- # keep the original timestamp!
- timestamp=$(LC_ALL=C date -r "$i" +"$date_format_timestamp")
- mv "$i.rebuilt" "$i"
- chmod 644 "$i"
- touch -t "$timestamp" "$i"
- rm "$contentfile"
- done
- echo ""
-# Displays the help
-usage() {
- echo "$global_software_name v$global_software_version"
- echo "Usage: $0 command [filename]"
- echo ""
- echo "Commands:"
- echo " post [-html] [filename] insert a new blog post, or the filename of a draft to continue editing it"
- echo " it tries to use markdown by default, and falls back to HTML if it's not available."
- echo " use '-html' to override it and edit the post as HTML even when markdown is available"
- echo " edit [-n|-f] [filename] edit an already published .html or .md file. **NEVER** edit manually a published .html file,"
- echo " always use this function as it keeps internal data and rebuilds the blog"
- echo " use '-n' to give the file a new name, if title was changed"
- echo " use '-f' to edit full html file, instead of just text part (also preserves name)"
- echo " delete [filename] deletes the post and rebuilds the blog"
- echo " rebuild regenerates all the pages and posts, preserving the content of the entries"
- echo " reset deletes everything except this script. Use with a lot of caution and back up first!"
- echo " list list all posts"
- echo " tags [-n] list all tags in alphabetical order"
- echo " use '-n' to sort list by number of posts"
- echo ""
- echo "For more information please open $0 in a code editor and read the header and comments"
-# Delete all generated content, leaving only this script
-reset() {
- echo "Are you sure you want to delete all blog entries? Please write \"Yes, I am!\" "
- read -r line
- if [[ $line == "Yes, I am!" ]]; then
- rm .*.html ./*.html ./*.css ./*.rss &> /dev/null
- echo
- echo "Deleted all posts, stylesheets and feeds."
- echo "Kept your old '.backup.tar.gz' just in case, please delete it manually if needed."
- else
- echo "Phew! You dodged a bullet there. Nothing was modified."
- fi
-# Detects if GNU date is installed
-date_version_detect() {
- date --version >/dev/null 2>&1
- if (($? != 0)); then
- # date utility is BSD. Test if gdate is installed
- if gdate --version >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
- date() {
- gdate "$@"
- }
- else
- # BSD date
- date() {
- if [[ $1 == -r ]]; then
- # Fall back to using stat for 'date -r'
- format=${3//+/}
- stat -f "%Sm" -t "$format" "$2"
- elif [[ $2 == --date* ]]; then
- # convert between dates using BSD date syntax
- command date -j -f "$date_format_full" "${2#--date=}" "$1"
- else
- # acceptable format for BSD date
- command date -j "$@"
- fi
- }
- fi
- fi
-# Main function
-# Encapsulated on its own function for readability purposes
-# $1 command to run
-# $2 file name of a draft to continue editing (optional)
-do_main() {
- # Detect if using BSD date or GNU date
- date_version_detect
- # Load default configuration, then override settings with the config file
- global_variables
- [[ -f $global_config ]] && source "$global_config" &> /dev/null
- global_variables_check
- # Check for $EDITOR
- [[ -z $EDITOR ]] &&
- echo "Please set your \$EDITOR environment variable. For example, to use nano, add the line 'export EDITOR=nano' to your \$HOME/.bashrc file" && exit
- # Check for validity of argument
- [[ $1 != "reset" && $1 != "post" && $1 != "rebuild" && $1 != "list" && $1 != "edit" && $1 != "delete" && $1 != "tags" ]] &&
- usage && exit
- [[ $1 == list ]] &&
- list_posts && exit
- [[ $1 == tags ]] &&
- list_tags "$@" && exit
- if [[ $1 == edit ]]; then
- if (($# < 2)) || [[ ! -f ${!#} ]]; then
- echo "Please enter a valid .md or .html file to edit"
- exit
- fi
- fi
- # Test for existing html files
- if ls ./*.html &> /dev/null; then
- # We're going to back up just in case
- tar -c -z -f ".backup.tar.gz" -- *.html &&
- chmod 600 ".backup.tar.gz"
- elif [[ $1 == rebuild ]]; then
- echo "Can't find any html files, nothing to rebuild"
- exit
- fi
- # Keep first backup of this day containing yesterday's version of the blog
- [[ ! -f .yesterday.tar.gz || $(date -r .yesterday.tar.gz +'%d') != "$(date +'%d')" ]] &&
- cp .backup.tar.gz .yesterday.tar.gz &> /dev/null
- [[ $1 == reset ]] &&
- reset && exit
- create_css
- create_includes
- [[ $1 == post ]] && write_entry "$@"
- [[ $1 == rebuild ]] && rebuild_all_entries && rebuild_tags
- [[ $1 == delete ]] && rm "$2" &> /dev/null && rebuild_tags
- if [[ $1 == edit ]]; then
- if [[ $2 == -n ]]; then
- edit "$3"
- elif [[ $2 == -f ]]; then
- edit "$3" full
- else
- edit "$2" keep
- fi
- fi
- rebuild_index
- all_posts
- all_tags
- make_rss
- delete_includes
-# Do not change anything here. If you want to modify the code, edit do_main()
-do_main "$@"
-# vim: set shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4 expandtab: